Hello there!

My name is Jackie Lindfors and I have been photographing all kinds of shenanigans for years.  It all started nearly 19 years ago with the birth of my first child and only daughter Halle.  After many miscarriages and seemingly endless heartache, we finally brought home our perfect baby girl and I simply could not get enough.  I so yearned to capture every bit of her so I would never forget each glorious detail, and I've spent my years since trying to achieve just that.  Fast forward 20 anniversaries with my love, 3 cities, 6 homes, 6 cars, 8 dogs, 3 guinea pigs, 2 ducks,  LOTS of chickens 1 giant desert tortoise and {oh yeah} 3 beautiful sons later and I still cannot get enough!

As luck would have it, many of my friends were starting families of their own back then and came to me to take their photos for better or worse {and trust me when I say many were worse}.  I still get a good giggle when I look back on some of my earliest sessions.  Thankfully my friends were kind and turned into clients, word spread and since then most of my new clients have turned into new friends as well. I'm beyond grateful to have been invited into the homes and lives of such amazing people and even more humbled to be asked to return year after year. My clients are raising incredible humans and I am honored to be a part of watching them grow.

I take great pride in putting the emotion and love that I see into the form of a photograph and I genuinely hold the desire to make your family portraits treasured by your entire family... like, stupid care.  I lose sleep over this! Yet,  I love the whole ride dearly, and wouldn't have it any other way!

I talk too much, I laugh too loud, I say inappropriate things, my spelling is terrible, I let my dogs sit on the couch, I love my family & friends and a good glass of wine and I am looking forward to taking the ride with you very soon!

Come follow all of my shenanigans on my personal instagram HERE and of course the E V E R Y D A Y N E S S business instgram HERE